When Worlds Collide

Differences of opinion can be creatively

stimulating as well as frustrating. - Jim Coleman

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Walkers Potato Chips

Ok, So in the states we have LAYS potato chips thanks to the good people in Texas where their corporation is located.

Here, we have WALKERS!
I guess "Lays" didn't translate well in the British English, which, you can understand why....what I don't quite understand is why our flavours of chips didn't translate... What's wrong with, Original, and sour cream, cheddar, BBQ, even Salt and Vinegar... and occasionally, Ketchup flavoured... but here... oh here, we have:

Oh Yeah... Roast Chicken flavour chips... prawn cocktail, worcester flavour, bacon flavour, roast beef, and other strange, but mostly delicious flavours...also flavor is spelled with a u.".flavour"..but we can cover alternate spellings next time!

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